Children & Youth

Children & Youth Ministry

Children’s Ministry

We love children here at CRPC and commit to encouraging parents in their efforts at raising children in the Lord. We are thrilled to have children in the worship service. We also have an unstaffed nursery and nursing mothers’ room available for parents. 

After worship, children fill the playground, and we love to hear the laughter and play of the children week after week. We see in this a fulfillment of the joyful promise of Zechariah 8:5: “And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in its streets.”

We have a morning School hour (9:30 AM) for children (ages 3-15). We split into three classes (ages 3-5, 6-10, and 11-15). In our younger classes, the kids learn a Bible story, learn the Children’s Catechism, and learn about missionaries. In our age 11-15 class, our youth are learning the Westminster Shorter Catechism. 

Youth Ministry

Youth group (junior and high school) meets bi-weekly for Bible study, games, and fellowship. Youth are invited from the church, but also the broader community as well. 

Vacation Bible School

Each year we host a Vacation Bible School at the church, with children from the church and broader community invited to a time of Bible lessons, crafts, games, and more.

Stay Connected

For the most up to date information for church related events, please visit our church calendar page here.